Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Super Seven-Melody Stone

 Super Seven

Chemical Composition:-
Source:-Brazil, United States
Colour:- Deep purple, Orange,Red and Brown
Appearance:-Clear to opaque swirling crystal with several colours visible

Super Seven is very spiritual stone It is one of the few stone that retain their energy and clarity stone. Super Seven combines the spiritual and protective qualities of Amethyst, the cleansing and grounding is a spiritual ability of smoky quartz and the energy-amplifying properties of quartz with Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrocite and Cacoxenite. The smallest piece of super seven carries the vibration of the whole, weather or not all  the minerals are present, reminding that you are a child of earth and the stars.

This High vibration stone is a Spiritual powerhouse with exceptional clarity. Said to be shifting the vibratory level of the planet.and everything upon it, It brings in the Aqusrian Age. Many pieces of Super Seven contain a spiritual being attuned to the highest sources of guidance and inspiration so that you  do not need to go anywhere to obtain guidance. Meditating with stone to carry flower or gem essence for distant healing.

This stone supports and heightens the vibration of other crystals in its vicinity. Activating all the chakras and the subtle bodies and aligning them to the highest spiritual vibrations, it activates spiritual gifts and enhance metaphysical working of all kinds. it heals physical, intellectual and spiritual disease and brings the soul back into communication with the divine, reminding us that we, too are part of a whole that is much more that the brotherhood of humanity. Emotionally, this is a soothing and nurturing crystal.

Small Super Seven points are extremely effective for the healing the planetary grid, stimulating self-healing or opening to new spiritual realities. Particularly effective for grids.these points pull stagnant energy out of the body or remove areas of disturbed earth or community energy, and are particularly useful where there is fear of terrorist activity of racial unrest, as they instil peace and a sense of communal safety and interconnection.It supports the immune system, skin and bones.

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