Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Citrine Quartz



Chemical composition:-Silicon dioxide
Colour:- Translucent yellow to golden brown
Hardness:- 7
Zodiac:- Gemini, Leo,Libra,Aries
Planet:- Jupiter-(yellow topaz, yellow sapphire,Citrine,golden tiger eye)
Chakra:-Third chakra,solar
Birthstone:- November
Energy:- Money, Luck, Protection, Healing

Citrine is a pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.Citrine is warm golden color. Extremely heat,whether naturally occurring or applied by man, will turn amethyst into a burnt golden color. Technically,it is “burnt amethyst," Citrine is a yellow to golden member of the quartz mineral group. Citrine attracts money and success. Citrine has ferric impurities, and is rarely found naturally. Citrine is one of three traditional birthstones for the month of November. Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life.One of only two minerals on the planet which do not hold or accumulate negative. Citrine meaning is focussed on helping  you to get an optimistic outlook on life. Increasing your success and happiness. The east is the place of conception Citrine carries the power of the rising sun to illuminate your life and touch the spark of pure spirit within yourself. Citrine is a great looking  yellow quartz gemstone .

Citrine is known as lucky stone of health, wealth and mental supported stone. If you are selling any type of items, just put  in cash drawer left hand side will be attracts luck for wealth.The citrine energy helps to stimulate a group cohesiveness and a willingness to work together. Citrine has been called the stone of mind.Citrine has increased self awareness, self confidence,self esteemed, protect from negative energy and powerful stone .Citrine is always indecisive  positive stone.It is particularly beneficial for attracting abundance and enhancing  creativity.

Citrine is a happy stone, not simply removing negative feelings and emotions, but also then replacing them with positive energy.Citrine healing properties are also great and can lead to joyful life. Yellow citrine brings the power to is solidify new interests and new relationships, helping you to see things in a different light .Citrine considered beneficial to the endocrine and digestive system cleansing, purifying and eliminating poisons that have built up. Citrine is an excellent stone of calm and distressed condition

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