Thursday, February 19, 2015



Chemical composition:-Silicate Mineral
Energy:- Sun
Element:- Fire
Zodiac:- Virgo,Taurus, Cancer and Leo
Color:- Red, Orange, Brown- Red, Pink
Country:-South America, Romania, Britain, Brazil, Peru, India and Nepal
Chakra:- Three lower chakras
Carnelian is powerful stone, It will give you the courage and confidence to move forward on a new path in life. In ancient times it was a stone used to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife. Carnelian stone is a translucent semi precious gemstone from the quartz family. Carnelian is focused on giving energy, boosting  creativity and protecting from negative emotions. it leads to clearing the voice of the wearer and helps to preserve peace of mind, harmony.It helps you make career choices and decisions.
Carnelian is an stone to use to cleanse other stones. It is also wonderful at helping to eliminate and helping to eliminate and reduce anger and provide the wearer of a calmer. Orange Carnelian brings joy and friendship.The vibration of this bright Orange stone, will accelerate your motivation, and aid you to clarity your goals. So you can find your best direction in life.Carnelian stone is bring inner peace.
Carnelian stone is maintains an improved flow of life force energy connect with the blood. Carnelian is deeper red orange stone may connect with base chakra, pinkish resonate with heart chakra. Carnelian stone energy is in the blood, it flows connect the heart to the entire physical structure of the body. It kindles feelings of joy and warmth, and will enhance concentration, and help to strengthen your willpower

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