Wednesday, February 25, 2015



Chemical composition:-BeALO4




Source:- Russia, United States, Brazil, China, Ireland, Swizerland, Australia, Czech Republic, France, Norway

Appearance:- Gritty and opaque, transparent when faceted shines red according to light source
Rarity:- Rare

A symbol of royal power and an efficient guardian stone, Alexandrite supports longevity, being a useful purifier and re newer, and is said to bring about a joyful inner transformation. Alexandrite is very expensive gems stone and genuine gems.

Alexandrite said to bring  luck in love and to impart grace and elegance to the wearer.With its ability to show two colours at once Aexandrite allows you to see both sides of the picture and links the heart and the mind so they come from a dispassionate, illumined perspective that encompasses and integrates the rational and the intuitive viewpoints.

Alexandrite, a regenerative stone, rebuilds self- respect and self worth. Through realignment and centring you around your self, if reinforces your sense of who you really are. This stone strengths willpower and dreaming and assists in accurately assessing emotions. both your own and those of others.

This stone inspires the imagination and attunes to your inner voice. A comforter that facilitates emotional maturity and encourages joyfulness in everyday life. Alexandrite teaches how to expand less effort. 

This stone harmonizes male and female energies and encourages tissue regeneration. Balance the nervous and grandular systems, soothes inflamation, tension in neck muscles and the side effects of leukaemia. It supports the pineal and pituitary glands, spleen, pancreas, liver male reproductive organs and neurological tissue.

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