Thursday, February 19, 2015


Blue opal
Peacock Opal
Fire opal


Chemical Composition:-Silicon dioxide (SiO2 + nH2O)
Colour:-Fire opal, Green, white, blue, green, yellow  
Chakra:-Heart and crown chakra
Country:-Australia, India
Zodiac:- Aries, Libra  Cancer and Scorpio

Opal are unique love stone.It represent Love, spirit personally and energy, Bringing creative energy to wearer and transforming capability to handle anything well. Opal  is a mineral lacking of crystalline structure from of silicon opal a group of related and colourful opal ensures fidelity and confidence for people born in October.. They were already admired as symbols of the most fervent love in ancient time. It helps conscious connection with the highest aspects of being chakra heart and crown chakra, depending  on color. Opal gives the effect of enhancing one's innate characteristics, leading to enhanced personal creativity and true spontaneous action.Opal are Love, loyal, peace, happiness, faithfulness, and confidence.

Opal helps to strengthen our body like tumours and cysts and especially useful for spiritual and emotional. Opal healing properties of stimulates  pineal and pituitary glands and helps eyesight, good for intuition. It gives meaning to everyday life and bring  spiritual perspective. opal is good for mental power and concentrate. Opal is such as creative power and supernatural power stone.

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