Thursday, February 19, 2015



Chemical composition:- Berly minerals form
Birthstone :- March
Zodiac:- Aquamarine
Chakra:- Third chakra
Color:- Pale blue,Blue green
Hardness:- 8
Planet:- Neptune
Country:- Russia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Myanmar, Madagascar, Brazil and US

Aquamarine is a very pale blue to a brilliant test. Because of it’s beautiful, water like colouring, the name Aquamarine was derived from latin words for water and sea. Any kind of birthstone tend to be a very personal choice, even to the point that people who don’t like the color of their true birthstone will find  any excuse to claim another. If you are travelling long distance keep carrying with Aquamarine possessing power. Aquamarine is vary in price, due to their quality, clarity, cut, color and size.

Aquamarine is a stone  of courage and empowerment. It helps people to learn quickly and to use knowledge in always being prepared. This stone is good for meditations Aquamarine stones heighten courage when handling grief and are powerful to assist self healing. Aquamarine  stone has a fairly long list of  positive influences. Aquamarine is good for cure sore throats, relieve inflammation, improve arthritis. Aquamarines are bring happiness, intelligence and good communication.

At the emotional level, this stone smoothes the way for lasting relationship.programme a pair to enhance telepathic and intuitive communication and to bring harmony and unconditional love to a partnership.

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