Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz

Color:- Clear, white


Silica dioxide:-Iron Oxides, Hematite

Composition:-Sio 2+Fe 2 O 3

Country:-Brazil, United stated, Swiss Alps, Himalayas, Peru and Madagascar

Clear Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals in the world. Sand is mostly comprised of quartz, even the dust in the air is high in quartz content. The most well-known form of quartz is clear rock crystal, and it may be found throughout the world.The largest single quartz crystal recorded was approximately 20 feet long and weighed more than 48 tons.

Clear quartz crystal is the universal stone .Clear crystal is a pure and powerful energy source.It receives, activates stores, transmits and amplifies energy. Good for meditation and healing stone. Always follow the guidance and wisdom of the Divine and of your higher self when working  with crystals. Used the crystal meanings to help find your own inner truth; what is best and right for one is not necessary so for another . Brings harmony to the soul.

Crystals and stones are used for crystal healing or energy work should be cleared and cleansed of negative energy prior to any the work. You will also find that clearing stones makes them more cheerful and positive to have around. Clear crystals and stones to restore their bright, happy, vibrant energy. Used whichever suits you and your crystals best. Clearing  crystal  some stones will clear the negative or unwanted energies from other stones.some stones that work well for this are quartz crystal clusters . Place the stone to be cleared on a the clearing stone and leave for 24-48 hours.

Clear quartz placed in the north, It helps to focus and integrate different levels of the mind , facilitating  inner wisdom and taking a wider perspective on life. Physically it enhances and attunes to spiritual purpose, bringing  about a balance between heart, mind, body and soul. Clear quartz works on all levels of being and has ability to dissolve karmic seed.

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