Thursday, February 19, 2015


Rain bow Obsidian

Green Obsidian

Chemical Composition:-Sio2, Al2O3
Color:-black, gold, rainbow,red,yellow dark green and brown
Snow Flake Obsidian
Chakra:-Base chakra
Birthstone:- Dec 21 -Jan 19
Zodiac:-Sagittarius, Scorpio
Country:-Mexico, Brazil
Element:- Earth

Black Obsidian is  a type of natural  glass. Obsidian is black and rainbow color stone this stone is very good for protection and clear negative, This stone have shiny round look like eye have inside the stone.Obsidian is a stone of sincerity, loyalty and truth. Obsidian forms when hot volcanic lava becomes submerged in water. It is composed of silica dioxide and has a glassy appearance. Obsidian is protection, removing negativity energy in stone.

Black obsidian stone is connected with spirit and gift of prophecy. It clean and protect your aura from psynic negativity strong grounding energy ..

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