Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rutilated Quartz

Golden Rulitated Quartz

Rutilated quartz

Chemical composition:-Titanium dioxide
Zodiac:- Gemini,Taurus
Color:-Clear, Gary, Purple, Brown or Pale  
Country:-Africa, Australia
Chakra :-Sacral chakra

Rutilated quartz is family of quartz with needle like  rutile embedded in it. (Golden needle in  quartz, red needle in  quartz, green needle in  quartz, black  needle in quartz and silver needle in quartz). Rutilated quartz is energy stone. This stone help get energy moving on all levels, intuitive sources it assists with mental focus, health, wealth and spiritual. Rutilated quartz is beneficial for the immune system, depression, radiation, cell  regeneration and elasticity of blood vessels. Rutilated quartz can placed in house, office, shop. For negative radiation can be placed on working placed.

Rutilated quartz is good solar plexus chakra .Sometime  this stone link root and crown chakra. Rutilated quartz is connect certain  vibrations with energy store that is used to treat the mind, body and emotions of a person in contract. Rutilated Quartz gemstone is popular as a stone to counter black magic. Rutilated quartz is protects and purifies as well as balance with physical body.

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