Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Chemical composition:-
Country:- Nepal,Burma and Afghanistan
Color:- Blue,purple, greenish- blue with pyrite.
Chakra:- Third eye and Brow chakra
Birthstone:- December
Hardness:- 5.5
Zodiac:- Sagittarius and Taurus

Lapis lazuli is a minerals of dark blue color with inclusion of golden pyrite. In ancient Egyptians used lapis  lazuli as a symbol of the truth. Lapis lazuli is a powerful stone that connected with best people and huge desire. Lapis lazuli refers to it  as a stone of loyalty and honesty. Lapis lazuli stone is beautiful stone. It stimulates to bring self awareness, enlightenment and to open the mind and heart . It  has been  used extensively for thousand of year ago.lapis lazuli is represent tenderness, sympathy and love.

Lapis lazuli  connects with spiritual, physical and emotional. It is a stone of spiritual love. Lapis lazuli is good for luck, success and properties. A true stone is  sense of harmony and balancing with male and female chakra.  Lapis lazuli is the energy of deep calm and strong connection to cosmic wisdom. A connection that helps one of align with a universal quality of the truth and integrity. Lapis lazuli is also believed to provide protection and shield the wearer from negative influences. it is said to relieve angry and negative thought as well as easing frustration causing the angry.

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