Thursday, February 19, 2015



Chemical composition:-
Colour:- Green ,purple, yellow, brown, blue, black, red and white
Planet:- Mercury, Jupiter
Energy:-Protection, love, wealth and healing
Chakra:- Heart chakra
Element :-Water
Zodiac:- Libra, Aries, Gemini, Taurus

Jade is an ancient  stone  that has historically been used to attract love. Jade  gemstone is ultimate symbol of calm and serenity. Jade is a gemstone of unique symbolic energy. It is considered to be a lucky for good  health, wealth, courage and longevity . Jade is a special stone that is believed to promote wisdom, compassionate, love, protect and  healing

Jade is wonderful balancing stone. It has a soothing  purity about it and it goes about purifying your energy and purification Jade is one of the good luck stone and protection. Jada is gentleness and nourishment because jade is stone that protects and supports loving heart energy. Jade can combine with pyrite and hematite for wealth, love, peaceful, protection.

Jade have powerful calming vibrations that are very protective, especially strong for children. It relieves anxiety and lightens emotions developed from fear. Jade helps one to realize his dreams and maintain fidelity to his purpose in life. People can put a piece of jade under pillow during night can sleep helps bring serenity to the mind by releasing  negative thoughts. Green jade is not only calming and healing to the nervous system,but it also emits healing energy into the liver, kidney, bladder

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