Thursday, February 19, 2015



Chemical composition:- Calcium Carbonate
Birthstone:- June
Color:- White , Pink, black, Cream
Country:-Japan and china
Zodiac:-Gemini and Cancer
Planet:-Neptune, Moon
Energy:- Lunar

Pearl is traditionally a symbol of  purity and loyalty. Pearl is a atonement, pearl teaches that spirituality is a matter of inner balance, pragmatism and expression in the functional reality of the everyday world rather than something experienced out there in another dimension. Pearl is also a type of precious gemstones. Pearl have a special meaning considered both lucky and unlucky. Pearl symbolize the best withis an Honesty, Purity, Wisdom and Integrity. Pearl are thought to give wisdom through experience, bring  wealth, Protection and luck.  Pearls are known for their natural beauty with in circle of life. Pearl can helps balance an individual's body, calming effect, they can balance one’s karma strengthen. Peal reduce over sensitivity and promote peacefulness. Pearl is a 30th anniversary gemstone.

It assists in grounding the awareness that you are a spiritual being who is currently on a human journey and assists in being more comfortable in incarnation loving your physical body. It encourages a spontaneous response to life rather than reacting as you have been taught you ought to do.This stone  ameliorates sorrow and negative emotions such as anger or resentment, creating a calm centre.

Pearl is good for mental and physical and emotional .Pearl healing properties protection, calming and  digestive system. Sometimes a ruler would crush a pearl and drink it in his or her wine to exhibit royal wealth. Freshwater Pearl are mostly expensive and rare.  Pearl can found in both fresh and salt water.

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