Saturday, February 28, 2015


Mystic Topaz

Chemical Composition:-Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
Colour:- Rainbow hue, Predominantly purple, blue green,pink,Yellow
Source:-Artificiality coated Topaz
Position:-wear at the ears, neck and wrist
Rarity:- Rare

The Coating of vaporized Titanium oxide (Rutile) lifts the energy of Topaz to an extremely high vibration that enables multi-dimensional access. Mystic Topaz sheds lights on the spiritual path highlights goals and taps into inner resources.

This crystal brings about the truths in the universe that enables 'being' rather than doing. cutting through doubt and uncertainty and manifesting your soul plan for the current incarnation it supports affirmation, manifestation and visualization, teaching how to set intention from the heart without emotional involvement or mental projection.

Excellent for cleansing the bio magnetic sheath  for inducing and relaxation, Mystic Topaz releases tension at any level and speeds up spiritual development where this has been laborious, Psychologically, Mystic Topaz helps in discovering inner riches.

This stone assists in problem - solving, accessing the universal mind. Showing the influence you have had and knowledge gained through many life experiences, Mystical Topaz has the capacity to help you see both the bigger picture and minutes detail, recognizing how they interrelate.

Topaz is an effective emotional supports, stabilizing feelings and making you receptive to love from every source. This glittering stone realigns the meridians of the subtle bodies.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015





Chemical composition:-C,H,C

Amber is an organic materials made from fossils tree resin. A product of living organisms. Amber formed millions of years ago when sap of ancient trees hardened and fossilized. Amber is thought to help absorb negative energy and to release bright soothing energy helping to calm nerves and enliven disposition.

The most common colour of amber is the yellow- orange colour known as Amber. Amber was  used for healing, releasing tension, anxiety, irritating, protection and good luck since ancient time. Amber stone is a hard .



Chemical Composition:-
Colour:-Green and Red
Zodiac:- Aries

Position:- Placed on the base chakra or as appropriate, preferably in contract with the skin.use for long period of time. Place under the pillow to stimulate dream recall or grid around the bed to enhance sexual pleasure or repel stalkers ensuring safe sleep.

Bloodstone is green with distinctive red spots that resemble blood, giving this stone its name. Bloodstone green jasper dotted with bright red spots of iron side was treasured in ancient times and served for a long time as the birthstone of March but has been replaced by aquamarine, however bloodstone is still regarded as the astrological gem of Aries. 

The power of benefit associated with bloodstone myth and legends as well as metaphysical and healing properties. Its great healing power these stones were pulverized and mixed with egg white like honey. Despite the various reference made about the blood stone being mystically affective for various illness and physical ailments. Bringing the courage to get to grips with problems assertively, It encourages self honestly. Supporting during necessary conflict. It brings problems to light before they become too big and provides insights into difficult situations.

Bloodstone assists quick thinking, promotes organizational abilities and the ability to see the projects through. It stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action.

This stone is excellent for repelling stalkers and ex-partners who wont let go. Supports the circulatory digestive and sexual organs and ameliorates allergies. it is said to dissolve blockages in the liver or bile ducts and balance the minerals content of the body.

Super Seven-Melody Stone

 Super Seven

Chemical Composition:-
Source:-Brazil, United States
Colour:- Deep purple, Orange,Red and Brown
Appearance:-Clear to opaque swirling crystal with several colours visible

Super Seven is very spiritual stone It is one of the few stone that retain their energy and clarity stone. Super Seven combines the spiritual and protective qualities of Amethyst, the cleansing and grounding is a spiritual ability of smoky quartz and the energy-amplifying properties of quartz with Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrocite and Cacoxenite. The smallest piece of super seven carries the vibration of the whole, weather or not all  the minerals are present, reminding that you are a child of earth and the stars.

This High vibration stone is a Spiritual powerhouse with exceptional clarity. Said to be shifting the vibratory level of the planet.and everything upon it, It brings in the Aqusrian Age. Many pieces of Super Seven contain a spiritual being attuned to the highest sources of guidance and inspiration so that you  do not need to go anywhere to obtain guidance. Meditating with stone to carry flower or gem essence for distant healing.

This stone supports and heightens the vibration of other crystals in its vicinity. Activating all the chakras and the subtle bodies and aligning them to the highest spiritual vibrations, it activates spiritual gifts and enhance metaphysical working of all kinds. it heals physical, intellectual and spiritual disease and brings the soul back into communication with the divine, reminding us that we, too are part of a whole that is much more that the brotherhood of humanity. Emotionally, this is a soothing and nurturing crystal.

Small Super Seven points are extremely effective for the healing the planetary grid, stimulating self-healing or opening to new spiritual realities. Particularly effective for grids.these points pull stagnant energy out of the body or remove areas of disturbed earth or community energy, and are particularly useful where there is fear of terrorist activity of racial unrest, as they instil peace and a sense of communal safety and interconnection.It supports the immune system, skin and bones.



Chemical composition:-BeALO4




Source:- Russia, United States, Brazil, China, Ireland, Swizerland, Australia, Czech Republic, France, Norway

Appearance:- Gritty and opaque, transparent when faceted shines red according to light source
Rarity:- Rare

A symbol of royal power and an efficient guardian stone, Alexandrite supports longevity, being a useful purifier and re newer, and is said to bring about a joyful inner transformation. Alexandrite is very expensive gems stone and genuine gems.

Alexandrite said to bring  luck in love and to impart grace and elegance to the wearer.With its ability to show two colours at once Aexandrite allows you to see both sides of the picture and links the heart and the mind so they come from a dispassionate, illumined perspective that encompasses and integrates the rational and the intuitive viewpoints.

Alexandrite, a regenerative stone, rebuilds self- respect and self worth. Through realignment and centring you around your self, if reinforces your sense of who you really are. This stone strengths willpower and dreaming and assists in accurately assessing emotions. both your own and those of others.

This stone inspires the imagination and attunes to your inner voice. A comforter that facilitates emotional maturity and encourages joyfulness in everyday life. Alexandrite teaches how to expand less effort. 

This stone harmonizes male and female energies and encourages tissue regeneration. Balance the nervous and grandular systems, soothes inflamation, tension in neck muscles and the side effects of leukaemia. It supports the pineal and pituitary glands, spleen, pancreas, liver male reproductive organs and neurological tissue.

Thursday, February 19, 2015



Chemical composition:- Copper  Aluminium , Phosphate
Color:- Blue, Green
Chakra:- Throat chakra
Hardness:- 5-6
Zodiac:- Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces
Birthstone:- December
Country:- Turkey, USA, Iran, Tibet and Afghanistan

Turquoise is a mineral Blue, Greenish and Greenish Gray Hydrous basic Phosphate Copper and Aluminium, takes a high polish. Turquoise is beautiful  semi precious gemstone.Turquoise attributes supernatural power gemstone. One of its supposed powers was connect with
warrior. Turquoise effects to unique vibration and light energy

Physical properties of turquoise self expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, good luck and protective stone. Turquoise stone is supposed to be communication and open throat chakra and It operate of the heart chakra by opening in  giving and receiving love. Turquoise encourage and personal power stone. It is one of most versatile of all healing stone and past recall stone. Its power to protect from negative energy and mostly focused on clearing the mind. It released spiritual stress and clearing the headaches.



Chemical composition:-SIO2
Color:-Black, Orange,Pink,white, Green Brown
Country:-Tibet, India, Italy Greece
Chakra:-Base chakra
Birthstone:-December, february
Planet:- Saturn
Zodiac:-Leo and Gemini

Onyx is a type of agate stone that is found all over the world  Onyx is semi precious stone. Onyx is powerful stone for protection and negative energy.It can helps release negative emotions such as sarrow and grief. Onyx stone is good for inner strength and physical changes with a person .onyx strength for self control, decision making, Intuition and protection.Onyx is first list and very popular stone .

Black onyx is said to absorb negative energy from other people. Onyx strengthens the base and sacral chakras, rooting the soul into the body and the earth and facilitating full acceptance of incarnation.Onyx is mystical powerful stone for female charm. Onyx meaning of healing kidney, eye,heart, nerve, caterpillar, hair, and strength nail. Onyx stone will help you to make contact with realm spiritual energy.Onyx being an exceptionally cheerful stone, assists in eliminating worry and depression from everyday life and connects you instead to the joy of living.


Rain bow Obsidian

Green Obsidian

Chemical Composition:-Sio2, Al2O3
Color:-black, gold, rainbow,red,yellow dark green and brown
Snow Flake Obsidian
Chakra:-Base chakra
Birthstone:- Dec 21 -Jan 19
Zodiac:-Sagittarius, Scorpio
Country:-Mexico, Brazil
Element:- Earth

Black Obsidian is  a type of natural  glass. Obsidian is black and rainbow color stone this stone is very good for protection and clear negative, This stone have shiny round look like eye have inside the stone.Obsidian is a stone of sincerity, loyalty and truth. Obsidian forms when hot volcanic lava becomes submerged in water. It is composed of silica dioxide and has a glassy appearance. Obsidian is protection, removing negativity energy in stone.

Black obsidian stone is connected with spirit and gift of prophecy. It clean and protect your aura from psynic negativity strong grounding energy ..


Blue opal
Peacock Opal
Fire opal


Chemical Composition:-Silicon dioxide (SiO2 + nH2O)
Colour:-Fire opal, Green, white, blue, green, yellow  
Chakra:-Heart and crown chakra
Country:-Australia, India
Zodiac:- Aries, Libra  Cancer and Scorpio

Opal are unique love stone.It represent Love, spirit personally and energy, Bringing creative energy to wearer and transforming capability to handle anything well. Opal  is a mineral lacking of crystalline structure from of silicon opal a group of related and colourful opal ensures fidelity and confidence for people born in October.. They were already admired as symbols of the most fervent love in ancient time. It helps conscious connection with the highest aspects of being chakra heart and crown chakra, depending  on color. Opal gives the effect of enhancing one's innate characteristics, leading to enhanced personal creativity and true spontaneous action.Opal are Love, loyal, peace, happiness, faithfulness, and confidence.

Opal helps to strengthen our body like tumours and cysts and especially useful for spiritual and emotional. Opal healing properties of stimulates  pineal and pituitary glands and helps eyesight, good for intuition. It gives meaning to everyday life and bring  spiritual perspective. opal is good for mental power and concentrate. Opal is such as creative power and supernatural power stone.



Chemical composition :- Organic
Country:-England and United stated, Canada
Element:- Wood
Birthstone:- Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces
Planet:- Saturn
Color:-Black and Dark Brown
Hardness:- 2.5-3
Chakra:-Base chakra

Jet Stone is found in sea. It look like wood but Its fossil stone. Jet gemstone is an Organic stone formed from fossilized wood. It is known as black amber. Jet stone is very light series line coal This stone is variety of coal know as lighter as such is fossilized minerals .Jet stone is very useful for absorber of negative energy and cleansing protection. Jet stone is also a crystal of purification. It helps recovery from depression, sadness, loss and grief.

Jet is powerful stone can be encourage for spiritual, physical,emotional guidance to bring about balance and harmony to life. It helps to heal any kind of people in difficult and fear and has a very calming energy .Jet stone is good for meditation.Jet is said to aid the cleansing of the liver and kidneys and good for migraines.Jet stones not suitable for Taurus and Libra it can negatively affect their balance .



Chemical composition:-
Colour:- Green ,purple, yellow, brown, blue, black, red and white
Planet:- Mercury, Jupiter
Energy:-Protection, love, wealth and healing
Chakra:- Heart chakra
Element :-Water
Zodiac:- Libra, Aries, Gemini, Taurus

Jade is an ancient  stone  that has historically been used to attract love. Jade  gemstone is ultimate symbol of calm and serenity. Jade is a gemstone of unique symbolic energy. It is considered to be a lucky for good  health, wealth, courage and longevity . Jade is a special stone that is believed to promote wisdom, compassionate, love, protect and  healing

Jade is wonderful balancing stone. It has a soothing  purity about it and it goes about purifying your energy and purification Jade is one of the good luck stone and protection. Jada is gentleness and nourishment because jade is stone that protects and supports loving heart energy. Jade can combine with pyrite and hematite for wealth, love, peaceful, protection.

Jade have powerful calming vibrations that are very protective, especially strong for children. It relieves anxiety and lightens emotions developed from fear. Jade helps one to realize his dreams and maintain fidelity to his purpose in life. People can put a piece of jade under pillow during night can sleep helps bring serenity to the mind by releasing  negative thoughts. Green jade is not only calming and healing to the nervous system,but it also emits healing energy into the liver, kidney, bladder



Malachite is a famous and very popular semi precious stone. It is name for Greek work for mallow a green herb. It banded light and dark green designs. Malachite create stonger barriers around you to block negative entitle. It is believed to be a strong protector of children. It is said to wearer from accidents and protects travelers. Malachite is an excellent stone for identifying, protection, recognizing, releasing and cleansing. Malachite is perfect stone of heart chakra when working with color chakris a therapy and it is used for clear and activate any of the chakra. Malachite is beautiful stone with assisting one be comfortable in changing  situation.

Malachite has completed an assessment of the potential public health and safety risk posed by malachite green. Malachite green is an organic compound that is used as a dye shift and has emerged as a controversial agent in aquaculture. Malachite green and formalin are toxic poison. Malachite is a powerful stone, through toxin medication with anti protozoal.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Chemical composition:-
Country:- Nepal,Burma and Afghanistan
Color:- Blue,purple, greenish- blue with pyrite.
Chakra:- Third eye and Brow chakra
Birthstone:- December
Hardness:- 5.5
Zodiac:- Sagittarius and Taurus

Lapis lazuli is a minerals of dark blue color with inclusion of golden pyrite. In ancient Egyptians used lapis  lazuli as a symbol of the truth. Lapis lazuli is a powerful stone that connected with best people and huge desire. Lapis lazuli refers to it  as a stone of loyalty and honesty. Lapis lazuli stone is beautiful stone. It stimulates to bring self awareness, enlightenment and to open the mind and heart . It  has been  used extensively for thousand of year ago.lapis lazuli is represent tenderness, sympathy and love.

Lapis lazuli  connects with spiritual, physical and emotional. It is a stone of spiritual love. Lapis lazuli is good for luck, success and properties. A true stone is  sense of harmony and balancing with male and female chakra.  Lapis lazuli is the energy of deep calm and strong connection to cosmic wisdom. A connection that helps one of align with a universal quality of the truth and integrity. Lapis lazuli is also believed to provide protection and shield the wearer from negative influences. it is said to relieve angry and negative thought as well as easing frustration causing the angry.



Chemical composition:- Berly minerals form
Birthstone :- March
Zodiac:- Aquamarine
Chakra:- Third chakra
Color:- Pale blue,Blue green
Hardness:- 8
Planet:- Neptune
Country:- Russia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Myanmar, Madagascar, Brazil and US

Aquamarine is a very pale blue to a brilliant test. Because of it’s beautiful, water like colouring, the name Aquamarine was derived from latin words for water and sea. Any kind of birthstone tend to be a very personal choice, even to the point that people who don’t like the color of their true birthstone will find  any excuse to claim another. If you are travelling long distance keep carrying with Aquamarine possessing power. Aquamarine is vary in price, due to their quality, clarity, cut, color and size.

Aquamarine is a stone  of courage and empowerment. It helps people to learn quickly and to use knowledge in always being prepared. This stone is good for meditations Aquamarine stones heighten courage when handling grief and are powerful to assist self healing. Aquamarine  stone has a fairly long list of  positive influences. Aquamarine is good for cure sore throats, relieve inflammation, improve arthritis. Aquamarines are bring happiness, intelligence and good communication.

At the emotional level, this stone smoothes the way for lasting relationship.programme a pair to enhance telepathic and intuitive communication and to bring harmony and unconditional love to a partnership.