Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mystic Topaz

Chemical Composition:-Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
Colour:- Rainbow hue, Predominantly purple, blue green,pink,Yellow
Source:-Artificiality coated Topaz
Position:-wear at the ears, neck and wrist
Rarity:- Rare

The Coating of vaporized Titanium oxide (Rutile) lifts the energy of Topaz to an extremely high vibration that enables multi-dimensional access. Mystic Topaz sheds lights on the spiritual path highlights goals and taps into inner resources.

This crystal brings about the truths in the universe that enables'being' rather than doing. cutting through doubt and uncertainty and manifesting your soul plan for the current incarnation it supports affirmation, manifestation and visualization, teaching how to set intention from the heart without emotional involvement or mental projection.

Excellent for cleansing the bio magnetic sheath  for inducing and relaxation, Mystic Topaz releases tension at any level and speeds up spiritual development where this has been laborious, Psychologically, Mystic Topaz helps in discovering inner riches.

This stone assists in problem- solving, accessing the universal mind. Showing the influence you have had and knowledge gained through many life experiences, Mystical Topaz has the capacity to help you see both the bigger picture and minutes detail, recognizing how they interrelate.

Mystic Topaz is an effective emotional supports, stabilizing feelings and making you receptive to love from every source. This glittering stone realigns the meridians of the subtle bodies.


Colour-: Yellow, Green, brown, red, Orange
Appearance:- Faceted gem or translucent, often double pyramid
Rarity:- Not all colours are easily available
Sources:- Australia, United states,Sir lanka, Burma, Ukraine, Canada
{may be heat- treated to enhance colour or be artificially produced}

Zircon is in ancient times zircon was used to protect against robbery, lightning, bodily harm and disease. Each colour resonates with a different chakra. Promoting unconditional love  for yourself and others it harmonizes your spiritual nature with the earth and brings physical and subtle bodies into alignment. It assists in recognizing that you are a spiritual being on a human journey, and highlights the oneness from which all souls originated. This stone of psychological insight brings together opposites and instils stamina and tenacity of purpose.

Zircon enhances clear thinking and helps separate the significant from the unimportant. Overcoming racism and prejudice, it teaches the brotherhood of humanity and clears from the emotional body the imprint of discrimination, victimization in this or any other life.

Zircon teaches constancy ,known as a stone of virtue, overcoming jealousy and possessiveness, it promotes letting go of old love and opening to new.

Brown Zircon is useful for centring and grounding as it opens the earth chakra.

Red Zircon lends vitality to the body, particularly during periods of stress. Adding power to rituals for creating wealth, it activates the base chakra.

Orange Zircon is an efficient talismans for use during travelling as it protects against injury.This stone increases beauty and guards against jealously. It stimulates the sacral chakra and creativity.

Yellow Zircon assists in attracting success in business and love and heightens sexual energy. It lifts depression and makes you more alert.this colour activates and cleanses the solar plexus chakra.

Green Zircon attracts abundance and stimulates the heart chakra.

Beneficial for synergy, cramp, insomnia, depression, bones muscles, the liver, menstrual irregularity.

Andean Blue Opal

Andean Blue Opal promotes right action for the highest good. A useful journeying stone enhancing receptivity, it induces mild hypnotic trance, enhancing divination and metaphysical gifts. Spiritually, it stimulates communication from the heart as it smoothies the biomanetic field, enhancing connection with others. A karmic healer, it cauterizes emotional wounds from any lifetime and supports inner serenity during stressful situations. By reminding of the need to heal the earth, it is useful for environmental healing and for those who transmute changing vibration through their physical or subtle bodies.

Blue opal enhances connection difficult this between members of a soul group and shows where these are beneficial in present life. Indicating solution to difficulties, especially where these could not be spoken about in the pasts,It brings untruths to light, Blue opal is useful when past-life experiences affect the present, especially as panic or phobias. It dissolves imprints on the etheric blueprint.Blue opal stimulates creativity, enhancing communication. Assisting in understanding the deep causes of disease,it strengthens boundaris and teaches how to satisfy your emotional needs. Blue opal creates a quiet space in which to work and meditate. It helps iron assimilation, vision, fatigue, metabolism, hair loss and the lymph.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Colour-: Yellow, Green, brown, red, Orange
Appearance:- Faceted gem or translucent, often double pyramid
Rarity:- Not all colours are easily available
Sources:- Australia, United states,Sir lanka, Burma, Ukraine, Canada
{may be heat- treated to enhance colour or be artificially produced}

Zircon is in ancient times zircon was used to protect against robbery, lightning, bodily harm and disease. Each colour resonates with a different chakra. Promoting unconditional love  for yourself and others it harmonizes your spiritual nature with the earth and brings physical and subtle bodies into alignment. It assists in recognizing that you are a spiritual being on a human journey, and highlights the oneness from which all souls originated. This stone of psychological insight brings together opposites and instils stamina and tenacity of purpose.

Zircon enhances clear thinking and helps separate the significant from the unimportant. Overcoming racism and prejudice, it teaches the brotherhood of humanity and clears from the emotional body the imprint of discrimination, victimization in this or any other life.

Zircon teaches constancy ,known as a stone of virtue, overcoming jealousy and possessiveness, it promotes letting go of old love and opening to new.

Brown Zircon is useful for centring and grounding as it opens the earth chakra.

Red Zircon lends vitality to the body, particularly during periods of stress. Adding power to rituals for creating wealth, it activates the base chakra.

Orange Zircon is an efficient talismans for use during travelling as it protects against injury.This stone increases beauty and guards against jealously. It stimulates the sacral chakra and creativity.

Yellow Zircon assists in attracting success in business and love and heightens sexual energy. It lifts depression and makes you more alert.this colour activates and cleanses the solar plexus chakra.

Green Zircon attracts abundance and stimulates the heart chakra.

Beneficial for synergy, cramp, insomnia, depression, bones muscles, the liver, menstrual irregularity.

Andean Blue Opal

Andean Blue Opal promotes right action for the highest good. A useful journeying stone enhancing receptivity, it induces mild hypnotic trance, enhancing divination and metaphysical gifts. Spiritually, it stimulates communication from the heart as it smoothies the biomanetic field, enhancing connection with others. A karmic healer, it cauterizes emotional wounds from any lifetime and supports inner serenity during stressful situations. By reminding of the need to heal the earth, it is useful for environmental healing and for those who transmute changing vibration through their physical or subtle bodies.
Blue opal enhances connection difficult this between members of a soul group and shows where these are beneficial in present life. Indicating solution to difficulties, especially where these could not be spoken about in the pasts,It brings untruths to light, Blue opal is useful when past-life experiences affect the present, especially as panic or phobias. It dissolves imprints on the etheric blueprint.Blue opal stimulates creativity, enhancing communication. Assisting in understanding the deep causes of disease,it strengthens boundaris and teaches how to satisfy your emotional needs. Blue opal creates a quiet space in which to work and meditate. It helps iron assimilation, vision, fatigue, metabolism, hair loss and the lymph.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Citrine Spirit Quartz

Colour - Yellow
Appearance- Tiny dusty crystals covering a long point
Rarity-Easily obtained
Source-South Africa

Citrine Spirit Quartz works though the earth and solar plexus chakras, helping in standing centred in your power and directing your life from that place. This stone purifies intent and is particularly useful for accessing true abundance while paradoxically releasing dependence on , or attachment to material things. promoting self awareness, it purifies and cleanses the bio magnetic shealth. in business, it focuses goals and plans .

In grids, citrine Spirit Quartz protects a house against electromagnetic smog or geopathic stress and heals disturbed earth energies. It is helpful for conflict resolution and sending forgiveness to those you feel have wronged you , or to ask for forgiveness for yourself or a world situation.

Spirit Quartz assists at death, guiding the soul through different dimensions of the afterlife to the highest possible vibration and into the hands of those who are waiting to welcome it home. It provides comfort to those who are left behind, and is useful for obtaining an overview of any situation. 

Group- Oriented spirit quartz is particularly useful for those who give service, especially as part of an organization, as it synthesizes group efforts and bring about  productive harmony. Facilitating spiritual or healing groups, it provides insights into problems experienced within a community or a family and can be programmed to alleviate these. Spirit quartz cleanses other stones and enhance their energy in a healing layout. It stabilize earth energies.

Spirit Quartz heals discord, installing patience and overcoming obsessive behaviour,offering insights into the cause. It assists with an effective but gentle psychological, mental and emotional detox

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Himalayan Gems: Rose Quartz

Himalayan Gems: Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz Rose quartz    Chemical composition :- Silicon dioxide    Hardness:-5    Color:- pink    Chakra:- Hear...

Ocean Jasper

A stone of renewal and strength connected to Atlantis and holding mystic knowledge within it, ocean Jasper takes you back to reclaim wisdom when you meditate with it.Assisting in reframing and transmuting the misuse of spiritual power at any time, this stone teaches wise use of power and will. Helpful for healers and counsellors,
Ocean Jasper helps you in loving yourself and others, and in being more empathetic to emotional and mental needs while remaining objective and detached. It focuses and intensifies the healing intention.
Ocean jasper assists in coping with change and in giving service to humanity. Its circular markings resonate with circular breathing, which it facilitates, and with anything that true runs in cycles or circulates.
Ocean Jasper brings to the surface long hidden and resolved emotional issues and helps in facing the future positively, accepting responsibility for yourself. this stone instils patience.Ocean jasper is a useful lymphatic drainage stimulator, eliminating toxins that cause body odour.

An all-round healer. Alleviates stress and supports the immune system, lymph, circulation, debilitated internal organs, the female reproductive system,PMS, digestion, beneficial for tumours, gum infections,eczema, cysts, colds,insomnia, inflammation, skin disorders and bloating.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Crystal Vibrations

No one know how or why humans first came to use crystals, but there is evidence that they have been doing so for thousands of years. Amazing crystals are still making themselves known to us, and all but a few have their origin deep within the earth. The exceptions are the result of supernatural events, such as fulgarite, born from lightning struck sand. The resulting crystals seemed liked gift from the gods and  how highly they were prized is illustrated  by the use of Libyan Gold in the funerary ornaments.

Miniature storehouses, born as the earth solidified, crystals record the development of the earth over millions of years. They metamorphosed as the planets itself changed- we might think of them as the earth's DNA or a mineral blueprint of evolution.Whatever from they take, the crystalline structure of these stones absorbs, conserves, focuses and emits energy-especially on the electromagnetic waveband. And because crystals are such efficient energy enhancers and space- clearer, by griddling them you can create a safe space to live, love, work and play.

 Griddling is the art of placing stones to create an energetic net to protect and energize space.The easiest way to grid a room or other space is to place a cry this creates an energy grid across the wholesale in each corner since room. However, you can grid a with whichever pattern feels right at the time.

Friday, May 29, 2015



Chemical Composition:-Al2sio4(F,oH)2
Zadie:- Aries Gemini, Libra, Scropio
Month:- November
Colour:- Yellow, Brown, Blue, Orange, Clear, 

Topaz is a silicate minerals of aluminium and fluorine.Topaz is well known mineral, occurring in large and beautiful shaped and coloured crystals. It naturally occurs in many colours but rarely in pink and purple.Topaz is a good hardness and desirable colours. It combined with a relatives abundance and availability makes it one of the most popular gems Topaz comes in many colours including clear, brown, yellow, orange and red.

Yellow Topaz is among the most popular remarkable and beautiful of gemstones. The name topaz comes from the ancient Sanskrit language and means'fire'..Yellow Topaz is a stone to manifest your intentions in alignment with divine will.Yellow topaz catches the energy of the sun and brings it to enrich your life and frees you from doubt and insecurity. It good for spiritual and health. Topaz is one of the twelve breastplate stones to in the high priest referred to in the book of exodus.

Yellow topaz is benefits in lifting one's self esteem and confidence. Yellow topaz gemstones healing properties includes relief from indigestion liver problems. It promotes individuality and creativity while providing self confidence in your own decisions. Helps to remove doubts about your is high recommended for those belonging to Solar Sign Gemini. It can also used with profit by librans and Scorpio.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dendritic Agate

Dendritic Agate

Dendritic Agate

Chemical Composition:-Silicon dioxide
Rarity:-Easily obtained as tumbled stone
Colour:-White and dark green and yellow
Appearance:-Fern making in opaque stone
Zodiac :- Gemini

Dendritic agate is translucent, colourless  white Gray variety of chalcedony quartz in easily distinguished by its distinct tree or fern like making tree. Dendritic agate is a encourage living in the present moment and offers support when facing unpleasant matters. 

Dendritic agate is a joyful stone facilitates a friendly approach to other people, it promotes tolerant interaction without judgement and assists with processing memories. Tree agate is good for safe journey/Travel, loyality and protection. Agate is variety of Chalcedony.

Dendritic for chronic illness, problems associated with smoking, the immune system, assimilation of copper, inflammation of the female sexual organs thrush and the liver. Tree agate may relieve tension

Emerald Jade


Colour:-Emerald Green
Rarity:- Rare
Source:- Peru, Burma
Chakra:- Heart 
Element:- Earth

Jade Powerful stone stands between the thresholds of two worlds.If you work at the interface between body and higher consciousness, or one person and another, Jade facilities keeping the boundary strong while understanding intuitively what is occurring on the other side.
Jade helps in walking lightly on the earth and restores the balance between nature, Planets and human kind. Jade accompanies the dying to their new adobe and assist in any transition in life, especially those that occur on the spiritual level. This stone is highly protective.
With its ability to pass through darkness confidently, teaching the value and gifts found in dark places wherever they may be, Jade is a stalwart companion in testing time s before the light returns. It draws on to your path anyone from the past with whom there is unfinished business or who is on your soul plan for the present lifetime. The darker the colour, the more this stone facilitates your journey through the mysteries, inner and outer.
Jade assists anyone who has had a difficult life in past life, whenever that may be, and heals abuse of any kind. It opens the heart and instils a sense of gratitude for what is rather than what is lacking. Wear it constantly if you suffer from poor- me syndrome- It turns attention to what you can give to others rather than how hard done by you are.Jade assists that energy to manifest in both men and women, bringing about an inner integration and moving beyond a gender- specific perspective on life.

Provides support during the recovery process or a chronic disease that affects the immune system, which it strengthens.It revitalises the immune system and the heart.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Activating Crystal

Activating your crystal

Hold your crystal in your hands, concentrate on it and say out loud.'I dedicate this crystal  to the highest good of all who come into contract with it.' if you would like to programme the crystal for specific purpose, state clearly what that is.

Storing your crystal

As delicate stones can easily be damaged, It is sensible to keep them in a bag when they are not in use or on display, if you do display stones, remember that strong sunlight quickly fades colours.

Choosing your crystal

you can either choose a crystal to which you are instantly attracted, look up a crystal's properties to ensure it does what you requie or use a pendulum to dowse or the finger- dowse technique



Chemical Composition:-(Mg, Fe)2 SiO4
Color:-yellow- green
Source:- China, Pakistan, Burma, Egypt, Australia,Brazil
Birthstone:- August
Chakra:- Heart

Peridot was used to protect against robbery, lightning, bodily harm and disease. promoting unconditional love for yourself and others it harmonizes your spiritual nature with the earth and brings physical and subtle bodies into alignment. It assists in recognizing that you are a spires altogether being on a human journey, and highlights the oneness form which all souls originated. This stone of psychological insight brings together opposites and instils stamina and tenacity of purpose.

Peridot enhance clear thinking and helps separate the significant from the unimportant. It teaches the brotherhood of humanity and clears from the emotional body the imprint of discrimination in any other life.

Peridot teaches constancy known as a stone of virtue, traditionally it was a test for celibacy, Overcoming jealousy and possessiveness, It promotes letting go  of old love and opening to new. Peridot sttracts abundance and stimulates the heart chakra.




Fluorite is a powerful stone similar to Mystic Topaz. Fluorite is a mineral essentially CaF2 that is after fluorescent in ultraviolet light and occurs in light green, blue, yellow, brown and colourless forms.Fluorite has a wide range of colours including yellow, pink, blue, purple and green. Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection and beings peace. its protects physical and in the physical realm.



Chemical Composition:-(Na,K) Al Si 3 O 8
Appearance:-Clear Crystal, orange, white, Gray
Source:-Russia, India, China

Moonstone gemstone meaning is passionate love that will fly you to the moon. Moonstone is colourless Gray, blue, white, brown and orange gemstone that reflect light in shimmering phoneme known as adolescences .Moonstone carries lunar energy and helps balance to emotional upsets.Moonstone is an activation stone, having a powerful effects on awakened potential and creating a gateway to exceedingly high levels of consciousness and multi-dimensions.

This opens a higher-dimensional space within the brain, anchored to the thymus and higher heart chakra so that it manifests within the physical world. Blue moonstone attunes the metabolism to assimilate the minerals and nutrients that the activated light body requires to function on the earth plane. Moonstone enables you to have a foot in both worlds physical and spiritual being here and there at the  same time with no duality or conflict and complete clarity of awareness. It also activates a cosmic anchor. On the soma chakra, It brings ideas  into manifestation by first creating an energy structure.


Chemical Composion:-Al2Sio5
Colour:-Blue, Black
Appearance:- Lightly striated clear blue crystal
Rarity:-Easily Obtained in Himalayas
Source:- United State, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, India.

Kyanite, self-purifying clear blue crystalline kyanite has an extremely light and fast vibration that quickly activates the higher chakras and the illumined mind.Useful for passing rapidly into deep meditation and opening, It induces multi- dimensional connections and heals the etheric blueprint. Kyanite is interesting gem that was discovered during the nineteenth century. The most high prize kyanite is vibrant blue or kyanite is known for being one of only two stones that never needs cleansing and clearing. Kyanite is a stone of attunement and balance.

Kyanite connects to your soul path and true vocation. It must be used with integrity of purpose or misuse will rebound on the wearer. Showing where you abused trust in the past, It unlocks a third eye gates that were closed as a result of psychic spying or the like.

Kyanite stone smoothies the way for lasting relationships. Programme a pair to enhance telepathic and intuitive communication and to bring harmony and unconditional love to a partnership.

Black Kyanite is an effective earth and psychological healing tool that assists in moving into the between- life state to access and manifest the current soul plan and release soul imperatives that no longer serve a purpose. This stone shows the karma currently being created by present choices and assists in foreseeing the outcome  of a soul plan. 

A potent tool for those who have difficulty fully incarnating into earth life, it assists mental cleaning the uro- genital and reproductive systems, muscles, adrenal, throat and parathyriod. Black kyanite supports environmental healing- connecting with those who are assisting the evolution of the planet and pulling pollution out of the earth and transmuting it. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Diopside-Russian Emerald

Russian Emerald

Chemical Composition:-FeCaSi 2 O 6
Colour:- Green, Black, White
Hardness:- 5.5-6
Appearance:- Long crystals often on a matrix or cluster
Rarity:-   Easily obtained
Source:- United States, Sweden, Canada, Germany, India,                        
Russia China

Diopside - A stone of service, green Diopside increases compassion opening your heart to the suffering of others and encouraging you to be of service to the planet through a profound sense of connection with the earth. Spiritually, by teaching humility and assisting in honouring what you really feel, this stone supports in following your intuition and enhances your ability to sense. This stone is known as Russian Emerald.

A useful healer for psychological conditions, this stone teaches the value of trust and forgiveness and assists in reconciling with anyone or anything that has hurt you in past, gently pushing you towards making the initial move. If you have always felt that you lacked something, but were not necessarily sure what it was, Diopside gently assists you to let go the need and be aware of your gifts. Diopsite is all natural  untreated gemstone, no heat, no radiation, no diffusion and no oils are used.

Diopside is helpful for creative pursuits or academic study as it stimulates intellectual faculties and the art of analysis. It has long been used to support the study of mathematics.All the choises in rich green gemstones are expensive, emerald, tsavorite and green tourmaline. But chrome Diopside is changing  the market for fine green gems.

Diopside is beneficial for those who cannot show their grief as it promotes letting go. If you feel overburdened or overwhelmed by the problems of life. It teaches how to live life with appreciation.

Green Diopside enhance recovery from surgery, trauma or severeo oils are  illness.

Black Diopside is attuned to the root and earth chakras and to the tell-uric currents of the earth bringing these back into balance and harmony.

Green Diopside supports cellular memory, physical weakness, acid-alkaline balance the lungs, Circulation, hormonal balance and blood pressure, it is beneficial for inflammation, muscular aches and spasm, stress, the kidneys and the heart. Black Diopside is useful for earth healing or for support during terminal or chronic conditions

Friday, March 6, 2015

Rainbow Hematite

Rainbow hematite is very common mineral consisting of iron-oxide. Rainbow hematite displays striking iridecent colours red, gold, blue, green and voilet. Rainbow hematite is a stone of balancing, helping to bring clarity to reason, happiness and joyful stone. Rainbow hematite will help you to bring good luck and happiness.Rainbow hematite helps to protect us from emotion. Hematite is a power stone whose purpose is to deepen the connection between spirit and emotion. Hematite can sometimes be called black diamond. The term hematite is derived from a Greek word "haima" meaning blood. using hematite can increase your ability to focus, concentrate and can help improve your memory.

Rainbow Hematite placed on the soma and soul star chakras, This stone attunes to the true self and assists in embodying it into the physical realm so that it  functions beyond duality or division. The combination purifies and reintegrates dismembered parts of your soul, wherever they may be and from whatever time-frame. It brings about profound multi- dimensional healing, cleansing chakras up to the highest levels anchoring the light body and bringing about an unshakeable connection with the highest vibrations in the universe. 

This powerfully protective and regenerative stone helps with reconciliation and the bringing together of opposites, assisting both impersonal and personal relationships. Whatever needs balancing in your life will be brought into equilibrium by this stone.Works best beyond the physical level of being, acting on the subtle bodies to bring about multi- dimensional healing.

Singing Bowl

Singing bowls (also known as Tibetan Singing bowls, Len Gongs, Himalayas gongs,) are a type of bell, Specifically classified as a standing bell. Singing Bowl is made by seven metal (Gold, Silver, Copper, Metal, Iron, Brass, Led) Original singing Bowl from Nepal. This Singing Bowl is can carted cleansing Bowl also this Bowl can Purified Natural Crystal, purify house, shop, office nowadays can get crystal singing bowl also but Seven metal Singing bowl is efficient this bowl we can rubbed by wooden steak by on the side of singing bowl after this we can get a sacred sound of om.

Singing bowls have been in use for many years ago to reduce the effects of stress and support meditation, trance induction and prayer. Singing bowl well really tell us how to use this singing bowl in the mean time it can be very challenging to tell the different between a true antique the hand made metal singing bowl.

Tibetan singing bowls have been used for Holistic healing, Reiki, Therapy and Chakra In additional to their traditional usage for medication, deep relaxation stress reduction and sound therapy, They create a range of sounds to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the body mind and soul.The singing of Tibetan singing bowl has a healing effect on people. It is said that Tibetan singing bowls are forged with a prayer in every humour bowl infusing them with a million prayers of pure intention for the highest god. Singing bowl are a wonderful support for just because you see a bright light doesn't mean your brain will. 

The Origin of singing bowl Tibetan singing bowl are as mysterious as the otherworldly harmonies the bowls produce when we play."Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and sound to it". Singing bowl are used in meditation and ritual practise. Our gifts sets as wonderful for beginners.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Saligram symbolizing the Hindu god Shiva's union with his consort kali and activating the base and sacral chakras, a Shiva lingum raises and control kundalini energy. It is perfect for facilitating spiritual evolution through tantra or sexual magical. A symbol of sexually and potent male energy, This stone has been sacred for thousands of years. It facilitates the union of opposites, such as masculine and feminine or body and soul, and is excellent for sexual healing.

Imparting psychological insight, Shiva lingum facilitates looking within to release all that you have outgrown. This stone is particularly useful for emotional pain that arise from early childhood, especially from sexual abuse, as it reinstates trust in male energy and in your own male qualities and can draw. a sexual healing partner to you.

Awaking crystal

Awaking Crystal

Crystal only work when they have activated. But first they need purifying  and afterwards they will require regular cleaning to keep them working at optimum efficiency.

Cleaning your crystal

If your crystal is not soluble, friable or layered, hold it under running water for a few minutes and then place in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours to re energize it, Delicate crystals can be cleaned in raw brown rice, or with sound, light or a smudge stick. Salt can be used if the crystal is not layered, friable or delicate. Carnelian cleanses and recharges other crystals. If stored with them. you can also buy purpose- made crystal cleansers.

The quickest way to cleanse you crystal is to wash them under running water for a few minutes.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz;- Assisting in living consciously and joyfully in the moment. rose quartz teaches you how to find humour in all situations and bring divine love into everything you do. Natural Rose quartz makes a potent gem essence for bringing love into heart. Sprayed as an essence or gridded around a room, it creates a harmonious, loving environment and wraps you in a cloak of love wherever you may be.

Spiritually insightful, this stone enables the discovery, during meditation of why the circumstances of your present incarnation were chosen and the karmic gifts you brought to it.

This stone brings joy and happiness into your life, teaching you how to no longer rely on others for positive feelings. Reliving tensions in an existing relationship, it encourages romance.

Rose quartz facilitates the flow of divine love through all the cells of the body, bringing them into equilibrium and imparting a sense of well being. This stone has an intense energy that assists both dream recall and understanding the message a dream holds.

The place of habits, patterns and routines

Position Place and Direction

Season:- Winter
Element:- Air
Color:- White
Human body:- Mind, Heart, Thinking, Functioning mind

Natural crystal should be display on correct position.This is the place where the habits of the past must be challenged. Chalorite quartz assists in clearing energy any cellular memory and healing the present life ancestral line opening the way for changes to occur. Absorbing negativity and environmental pollutants, this stone clears.A build up of stagnant energy anywhere in the body or environment. This assists with the removal of energy implant in thiss accessing their source in this or any other lifetime. Chlorite has strong associations with nature and with Mother Earth.

The Place of dreams

 Gender:- Feminine
 Element:-Earth-Crystal, stone
 Human aspect:- Body

The Place of dreams;- In the south west, selenite takes you into the place of dreams and dreaming. It reaches other lives and is useful for checking on progress made and for accessing the life plan for the present life from the between life state. Pinpointing lessons and issues that are still being worked upon. it shows how they can best be resolved.

The west is the place of death and going within. Smoky Quartz teaches how to leave behind anything that no longer serves and it accompanies you through the gates of death into the other world and rebirth. One of the most efficient grounding and cleansing stones available. this protective stone has a strong link with the earth, promoting concern for the environment and suggesting ecological solutions. Alleviating ambivalence about being in incarnation, smoky quartz helps in tolerating difficult times with equnimation, fortifying resolve. it assists acceptance of the physical body and sexual nature, enhancing virility and cleansing the base chakra so that passion flows naturally.

Cardinal points and Directions

Cardinal points and Directions- The Cardinal points are south, West, north and east and minor directions are south west, north- east and south east. Each direction has its specific energy and associations.

The south is where you are birthed. Placed here, Candle Quartz makes you feel good about yourself and your body. It is useful for those who find physical incarnation challenging. Candle-Quartz restores trust and innocence bringing healing to the hurt child within and helping in incarnating more fully surrounded by an aura of er unconditional love. It heals the ancestral line and your karmic inheritance.Highlighting soul purpose and focusing the life path.

Candle Quartz facilitates putting ancient knowledge into practice and brings the totems closer. It assists in understanding how the physical body can be damaged by emotional or mental distress.Useful if you encounter blockage or resistance on your spiritual path, Candle quartz dissolves that which is unwanted or inappropriate. Spiritual connects to higher awareness, bringing body mind, psyche and spirit into balance. It offers a new orientation and enhances self esteem. Beneficial for stress.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Mystic Topaz

Chemical Composition:-Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
Colour:- Rainbow hue, Predominantly purple, blue green,pink,Yellow
Source:-Artificiality coated Topaz
Position:-wear at the ears, neck and wrist
Rarity:- Rare

The Coating of vaporized Titanium oxide (Rutile) lifts the energy of Topaz to an extremely high vibration that enables multi-dimensional access. Mystic Topaz sheds lights on the spiritual path highlights goals and taps into inner resources.

This crystal brings about the truths in the universe that enables 'being' rather than doing. cutting through doubt and uncertainty and manifesting your soul plan for the current incarnation it supports affirmation, manifestation and visualization, teaching how to set intention from the heart without emotional involvement or mental projection.

Excellent for cleansing the bio magnetic sheath  for inducing and relaxation, Mystic Topaz releases tension at any level and speeds up spiritual development where this has been laborious, Psychologically, Mystic Topaz helps in discovering inner riches.

This stone assists in problem - solving, accessing the universal mind. Showing the influence you have had and knowledge gained through many life experiences, Mystical Topaz has the capacity to help you see both the bigger picture and minutes detail, recognizing how they interrelate.

Topaz is an effective emotional supports, stabilizing feelings and making you receptive to love from every source. This glittering stone realigns the meridians of the subtle bodies.