Sunday, April 12, 2015

Emerald Jade


Colour:-Emerald Green
Rarity:- Rare
Source:- Peru, Burma
Chakra:- Heart 
Element:- Earth

Jade Powerful stone stands between the thresholds of two worlds.If you work at the interface between body and higher consciousness, or one person and another, Jade facilities keeping the boundary strong while understanding intuitively what is occurring on the other side.
Jade helps in walking lightly on the earth and restores the balance between nature, Planets and human kind. Jade accompanies the dying to their new adobe and assist in any transition in life, especially those that occur on the spiritual level. This stone is highly protective.
With its ability to pass through darkness confidently, teaching the value and gifts found in dark places wherever they may be, Jade is a stalwart companion in testing time s before the light returns. It draws on to your path anyone from the past with whom there is unfinished business or who is on your soul plan for the present lifetime. The darker the colour, the more this stone facilitates your journey through the mysteries, inner and outer.
Jade assists anyone who has had a difficult life in past life, whenever that may be, and heals abuse of any kind. It opens the heart and instils a sense of gratitude for what is rather than what is lacking. Wear it constantly if you suffer from poor- me syndrome- It turns attention to what you can give to others rather than how hard done by you are.Jade assists that energy to manifest in both men and women, bringing about an inner integration and moving beyond a gender- specific perspective on life.

Provides support during the recovery process or a chronic disease that affects the immune system, which it strengthens.It revitalises the immune system and the heart.

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