Saturday, April 11, 2015


Chemical Composion:-Al2Sio5
Colour:-Blue, Black
Appearance:- Lightly striated clear blue crystal
Rarity:-Easily Obtained in Himalayas
Source:- United State, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, India.

Kyanite, self-purifying clear blue crystalline kyanite has an extremely light and fast vibration that quickly activates the higher chakras and the illumined mind.Useful for passing rapidly into deep meditation and opening, It induces multi- dimensional connections and heals the etheric blueprint. Kyanite is interesting gem that was discovered during the nineteenth century. The most high prize kyanite is vibrant blue or kyanite is known for being one of only two stones that never needs cleansing and clearing. Kyanite is a stone of attunement and balance.

Kyanite connects to your soul path and true vocation. It must be used with integrity of purpose or misuse will rebound on the wearer. Showing where you abused trust in the past, It unlocks a third eye gates that were closed as a result of psychic spying or the like.

Kyanite stone smoothies the way for lasting relationships. Programme a pair to enhance telepathic and intuitive communication and to bring harmony and unconditional love to a partnership.

Black Kyanite is an effective earth and psychological healing tool that assists in moving into the between- life state to access and manifest the current soul plan and release soul imperatives that no longer serve a purpose. This stone shows the karma currently being created by present choices and assists in foreseeing the outcome  of a soul plan. 

A potent tool for those who have difficulty fully incarnating into earth life, it assists mental cleaning the uro- genital and reproductive systems, muscles, adrenal, throat and parathyriod. Black kyanite supports environmental healing- connecting with those who are assisting the evolution of the planet and pulling pollution out of the earth and transmuting it. 

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