Saturday, April 11, 2015



Chemical Composition:-(Na,K) Al Si 3 O 8
Appearance:-Clear Crystal, orange, white, Gray
Source:-Russia, India, China

Moonstone gemstone meaning is passionate love that will fly you to the moon. Moonstone is colourless Gray, blue, white, brown and orange gemstone that reflect light in shimmering phoneme known as adolescences .Moonstone carries lunar energy and helps balance to emotional upsets.Moonstone is an activation stone, having a powerful effects on awakened potential and creating a gateway to exceedingly high levels of consciousness and multi-dimensions.

This opens a higher-dimensional space within the brain, anchored to the thymus and higher heart chakra so that it manifests within the physical world. Blue moonstone attunes the metabolism to assimilate the minerals and nutrients that the activated light body requires to function on the earth plane. Moonstone enables you to have a foot in both worlds physical and spiritual being here and there at the  same time with no duality or conflict and complete clarity of awareness. It also activates a cosmic anchor. On the soma chakra, It brings ideas  into manifestation by first creating an energy structure.

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