Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Andean Blue Opal

Andean Blue Opal promotes right action for the highest good. A useful journeying stone enhancing receptivity, it induces mild hypnotic trance, enhancing divination and metaphysical gifts. Spiritually, it stimulates communication from the heart as it smoothies the biomanetic field, enhancing connection with others. A karmic healer, it cauterizes emotional wounds from any lifetime and supports inner serenity during stressful situations. By reminding of the need to heal the earth, it is useful for environmental healing and for those who transmute changing vibration through their physical or subtle bodies.

Blue opal enhances connection difficult this between members of a soul group and shows where these are beneficial in present life. Indicating solution to difficulties, especially where these could not be spoken about in the pasts,It brings untruths to light, Blue opal is useful when past-life experiences affect the present, especially as panic or phobias. It dissolves imprints on the etheric blueprint.Blue opal stimulates creativity, enhancing communication. Assisting in understanding the deep causes of disease,it strengthens boundaris and teaches how to satisfy your emotional needs. Blue opal creates a quiet space in which to work and meditate. It helps iron assimilation, vision, fatigue, metabolism, hair loss and the lymph.

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