Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mystic Topaz

Chemical Composition:-Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
Colour:- Rainbow hue, Predominantly purple, blue green,pink,Yellow
Source:-Artificiality coated Topaz
Position:-wear at the ears, neck and wrist
Rarity:- Rare

The Coating of vaporized Titanium oxide (Rutile) lifts the energy of Topaz to an extremely high vibration that enables multi-dimensional access. Mystic Topaz sheds lights on the spiritual path highlights goals and taps into inner resources.

This crystal brings about the truths in the universe that enables'being' rather than doing. cutting through doubt and uncertainty and manifesting your soul plan for the current incarnation it supports affirmation, manifestation and visualization, teaching how to set intention from the heart without emotional involvement or mental projection.

Excellent for cleansing the bio magnetic sheath  for inducing and relaxation, Mystic Topaz releases tension at any level and speeds up spiritual development where this has been laborious, Psychologically, Mystic Topaz helps in discovering inner riches.

This stone assists in problem- solving, accessing the universal mind. Showing the influence you have had and knowledge gained through many life experiences, Mystical Topaz has the capacity to help you see both the bigger picture and minutes detail, recognizing how they interrelate.

Mystic Topaz is an effective emotional supports, stabilizing feelings and making you receptive to love from every source. This glittering stone realigns the meridians of the subtle bodies.

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