Saturday, June 20, 2015

Crystal Vibrations

No one know how or why humans first came to use crystals, but there is evidence that they have been doing so for thousands of years. Amazing crystals are still making themselves known to us, and all but a few have their origin deep within the earth. The exceptions are the result of supernatural events, such as fulgarite, born from lightning struck sand. The resulting crystals seemed liked gift from the gods and  how highly they were prized is illustrated  by the use of Libyan Gold in the funerary ornaments.

Miniature storehouses, born as the earth solidified, crystals record the development of the earth over millions of years. They metamorphosed as the planets itself changed- we might think of them as the earth's DNA or a mineral blueprint of evolution.Whatever from they take, the crystalline structure of these stones absorbs, conserves, focuses and emits energy-especially on the electromagnetic waveband. And because crystals are such efficient energy enhancers and space- clearer, by griddling them you can create a safe space to live, love, work and play.

 Griddling is the art of placing stones to create an energetic net to protect and energize space.The easiest way to grid a room or other space is to place a cry this creates an energy grid across the wholesale in each corner since room. However, you can grid a with whichever pattern feels right at the time.

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