Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ocean Jasper

A stone of renewal and strength connected to Atlantis and holding mystic knowledge within it, ocean Jasper takes you back to reclaim wisdom when you meditate with it.Assisting in reframing and transmuting the misuse of spiritual power at any time, this stone teaches wise use of power and will. Helpful for healers and counsellors,
Ocean Jasper helps you in loving yourself and others, and in being more empathetic to emotional and mental needs while remaining objective and detached. It focuses and intensifies the healing intention.
Ocean jasper assists in coping with change and in giving service to humanity. Its circular markings resonate with circular breathing, which it facilitates, and with anything that true runs in cycles or circulates.
Ocean Jasper brings to the surface long hidden and resolved emotional issues and helps in facing the future positively, accepting responsibility for yourself. this stone instils patience.Ocean jasper is a useful lymphatic drainage stimulator, eliminating toxins that cause body odour.

An all-round healer. Alleviates stress and supports the immune system, lymph, circulation, debilitated internal organs, the female reproductive system,PMS, digestion, beneficial for tumours, gum infections,eczema, cysts, colds,insomnia, inflammation, skin disorders and bloating.

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