Friday, July 24, 2015

Citrine Spirit Quartz

Colour - Yellow
Appearance- Tiny dusty crystals covering a long point
Rarity-Easily obtained
Source-South Africa

Citrine Spirit Quartz works though the earth and solar plexus chakras, helping in standing centred in your power and directing your life from that place. This stone purifies intent and is particularly useful for accessing true abundance while paradoxically releasing dependence on , or attachment to material things. promoting self awareness, it purifies and cleanses the bio magnetic shealth. in business, it focuses goals and plans .

In grids, citrine Spirit Quartz protects a house against electromagnetic smog or geopathic stress and heals disturbed earth energies. It is helpful for conflict resolution and sending forgiveness to those you feel have wronged you , or to ask for forgiveness for yourself or a world situation.

Spirit Quartz assists at death, guiding the soul through different dimensions of the afterlife to the highest possible vibration and into the hands of those who are waiting to welcome it home. It provides comfort to those who are left behind, and is useful for obtaining an overview of any situation. 

Group- Oriented spirit quartz is particularly useful for those who give service, especially as part of an organization, as it synthesizes group efforts and bring about  productive harmony. Facilitating spiritual or healing groups, it provides insights into problems experienced within a community or a family and can be programmed to alleviate these. Spirit quartz cleanses other stones and enhance their energy in a healing layout. It stabilize earth energies.

Spirit Quartz heals discord, installing patience and overcoming obsessive behaviour,offering insights into the cause. It assists with an effective but gentle psychological, mental and emotional detox

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