Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dendritic Agate

Dendritic Agate

Dendritic Agate

Chemical Composition:-Silicon dioxide
Rarity:-Easily obtained as tumbled stone
Colour:-White and dark green and yellow
Appearance:-Fern making in opaque stone
Zodiac :- Gemini

Dendritic agate is translucent, colourless  white Gray variety of chalcedony quartz in easily distinguished by its distinct tree or fern like making tree. Dendritic agate is a encourage living in the present moment and offers support when facing unpleasant matters. 

Dendritic agate is a joyful stone facilitates a friendly approach to other people, it promotes tolerant interaction without judgement and assists with processing memories. Tree agate is good for safe journey/Travel, loyality and protection. Agate is variety of Chalcedony.

Dendritic for chronic illness, problems associated with smoking, the immune system, assimilation of copper, inflammation of the female sexual organs thrush and the liver. Tree agate may relieve tension

Emerald Jade


Colour:-Emerald Green
Rarity:- Rare
Source:- Peru, Burma
Chakra:- Heart 
Element:- Earth

Jade Powerful stone stands between the thresholds of two worlds.If you work at the interface between body and higher consciousness, or one person and another, Jade facilities keeping the boundary strong while understanding intuitively what is occurring on the other side.
Jade helps in walking lightly on the earth and restores the balance between nature, Planets and human kind. Jade accompanies the dying to their new adobe and assist in any transition in life, especially those that occur on the spiritual level. This stone is highly protective.
With its ability to pass through darkness confidently, teaching the value and gifts found in dark places wherever they may be, Jade is a stalwart companion in testing time s before the light returns. It draws on to your path anyone from the past with whom there is unfinished business or who is on your soul plan for the present lifetime. The darker the colour, the more this stone facilitates your journey through the mysteries, inner and outer.
Jade assists anyone who has had a difficult life in past life, whenever that may be, and heals abuse of any kind. It opens the heart and instils a sense of gratitude for what is rather than what is lacking. Wear it constantly if you suffer from poor- me syndrome- It turns attention to what you can give to others rather than how hard done by you are.Jade assists that energy to manifest in both men and women, bringing about an inner integration and moving beyond a gender- specific perspective on life.

Provides support during the recovery process or a chronic disease that affects the immune system, which it strengthens.It revitalises the immune system and the heart.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Activating Crystal

Activating your crystal

Hold your crystal in your hands, concentrate on it and say out loud.'I dedicate this crystal  to the highest good of all who come into contract with it.' if you would like to programme the crystal for specific purpose, state clearly what that is.

Storing your crystal

As delicate stones can easily be damaged, It is sensible to keep them in a bag when they are not in use or on display, if you do display stones, remember that strong sunlight quickly fades colours.

Choosing your crystal

you can either choose a crystal to which you are instantly attracted, look up a crystal's properties to ensure it does what you requie or use a pendulum to dowse or the finger- dowse technique



Chemical Composition:-(Mg, Fe)2 SiO4
Color:-yellow- green
Source:- China, Pakistan, Burma, Egypt, Australia,Brazil
Birthstone:- August
Chakra:- Heart

Peridot was used to protect against robbery, lightning, bodily harm and disease. promoting unconditional love for yourself and others it harmonizes your spiritual nature with the earth and brings physical and subtle bodies into alignment. It assists in recognizing that you are a spires altogether being on a human journey, and highlights the oneness form which all souls originated. This stone of psychological insight brings together opposites and instils stamina and tenacity of purpose.

Peridot enhance clear thinking and helps separate the significant from the unimportant. It teaches the brotherhood of humanity and clears from the emotional body the imprint of discrimination in any other life.

Peridot teaches constancy known as a stone of virtue, traditionally it was a test for celibacy, Overcoming jealousy and possessiveness, It promotes letting go  of old love and opening to new. Peridot sttracts abundance and stimulates the heart chakra.




Fluorite is a powerful stone similar to Mystic Topaz. Fluorite is a mineral essentially CaF2 that is after fluorescent in ultraviolet light and occurs in light green, blue, yellow, brown and colourless forms.Fluorite has a wide range of colours including yellow, pink, blue, purple and green. Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection and beings peace. its protects physical and in the physical realm.



Chemical Composition:-(Na,K) Al Si 3 O 8
Appearance:-Clear Crystal, orange, white, Gray
Source:-Russia, India, China

Moonstone gemstone meaning is passionate love that will fly you to the moon. Moonstone is colourless Gray, blue, white, brown and orange gemstone that reflect light in shimmering phoneme known as adolescences .Moonstone carries lunar energy and helps balance to emotional upsets.Moonstone is an activation stone, having a powerful effects on awakened potential and creating a gateway to exceedingly high levels of consciousness and multi-dimensions.

This opens a higher-dimensional space within the brain, anchored to the thymus and higher heart chakra so that it manifests within the physical world. Blue moonstone attunes the metabolism to assimilate the minerals and nutrients that the activated light body requires to function on the earth plane. Moonstone enables you to have a foot in both worlds physical and spiritual being here and there at the  same time with no duality or conflict and complete clarity of awareness. It also activates a cosmic anchor. On the soma chakra, It brings ideas  into manifestation by first creating an energy structure.


Chemical Composion:-Al2Sio5
Colour:-Blue, Black
Appearance:- Lightly striated clear blue crystal
Rarity:-Easily Obtained in Himalayas
Source:- United State, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, India.

Kyanite, self-purifying clear blue crystalline kyanite has an extremely light and fast vibration that quickly activates the higher chakras and the illumined mind.Useful for passing rapidly into deep meditation and opening, It induces multi- dimensional connections and heals the etheric blueprint. Kyanite is interesting gem that was discovered during the nineteenth century. The most high prize kyanite is vibrant blue or kyanite is known for being one of only two stones that never needs cleansing and clearing. Kyanite is a stone of attunement and balance.

Kyanite connects to your soul path and true vocation. It must be used with integrity of purpose or misuse will rebound on the wearer. Showing where you abused trust in the past, It unlocks a third eye gates that were closed as a result of psychic spying or the like.

Kyanite stone smoothies the way for lasting relationships. Programme a pair to enhance telepathic and intuitive communication and to bring harmony and unconditional love to a partnership.

Black Kyanite is an effective earth and psychological healing tool that assists in moving into the between- life state to access and manifest the current soul plan and release soul imperatives that no longer serve a purpose. This stone shows the karma currently being created by present choices and assists in foreseeing the outcome  of a soul plan. 

A potent tool for those who have difficulty fully incarnating into earth life, it assists mental cleaning the uro- genital and reproductive systems, muscles, adrenal, throat and parathyriod. Black kyanite supports environmental healing- connecting with those who are assisting the evolution of the planet and pulling pollution out of the earth and transmuting it.